Monday, July 7, 2008

Saturday July 5th

The only things that are noteworthy of friday:
-Going to QVC and buying kitchen utensils for college :) they are orange. And they were cheap.
-Playing swinging games with my parents. My Mom was an olympic swinger. She did crazy games! Running, jumping, twisting with other swingers. We all walked away with bruises. More importantly we laughed about it. The bruises didn't hurt so bad anyway.
-The park where the swings were located. Wow. Mom. Wom. Mow. It was a true testimony of our Heavenly Father. I am frustrated as no picture could capture what I saw and now words can explain the enrapturing trees. I'm sure I will attend this park again while I'm out here. Hopefull by the end of the trip I will be able to describe it.

My mom keeps talking to people from home who just keep asking, what are you and abbey doing out there? We thought you'd be home by now. How do you keep yourselves busy throughout the days? Hahahaha. Apparantly they don't know madre and I very well. It is hilarious to us. Seeing as we haven't experienced boredem once we've been out here. Bored? Definition? Anyone? Hilarious.


Ellen Irion said...

i love you!!!! lets just say it i a huge blessing that your personality comes out so well in your writing. so many times i just hear you in my head, love it love it love it. can't even describe it. so i think i'm about to send you a most likely long, maybe confusing and a little bit of a random email. anyway love theblog, much needed for my required dose of abbey!

Ellen Irion said...

k false i don't know if you still use your old old email, tell me whereto send to please? - thankyou much

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Hey, you, gorgeous... Wanna nekk in Heaven? I do. Meet me Upstairs, girl. God bless you.