Saturday, January 24, 2009

Abbey Worry Maughan

Cheesy. yes. Abbey Maughan is cheesy. And cheesy is abbey maughan.

Laughs. Fog. Basketball (whaat). Kiwis. Madre. Preach My Gospel. Sleep. Yoga. Nieces. Cell Phone. Washers and Dryers. Cars. Ice Cream. Music. Forgiveness. The Atonement.

Those are just a few of the things I have been grateful for today. I will try to post things to similiar to this a couple times a week. :)


Ellen Irion said...

SHE RETURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! love it abs, your example never stops :)

Lindsay said...

knew she would come back... knew it

Adam Ruben said...

WOOT WOOT! POST POST POST! What a great idea also, gratitude is something I def need to work on.