Tuesday, October 28, 2008

College Life: Likes and Dislikes

Wow. This is post is so over-due. Well any post is over-due. Since the last time I posted was in July? Wow. (So Linds, I am finally posting for you). I thought I would do a likes and dislikes of college post. Since I think the likes and dislikes of growing up are made very clear.

-Experimenting with cooking and eating it even when it doesn't work out
-Meeting the most awkward people ever in my life
-Taking naps everyday
-Attending Silent Sacrament Meetings
-Going Home to see the family
-Getting suprise visits from best friends
-Driving over two hours to see best friends
-Having so much free time that my roommates and I start trying on each other jeans and realizing we fit into them...weird
-Feeling Intelligent and productive after spending hours at the library
-Having late night talks with Brooke
-Laughing about nothing important for hours with the roommates
-Discovering who I am when I am thrown into unexpected situations
-Playing pranks on boys in our buildings
-Moving all of our mattresses in our living room for a big slumber
-Hearing the peace and quiet on Saturday mornings

-Fighting with the roommates
-Being homesick everyday
-Missing your best friends who are at different colleges or in different states
-Studying so hard for a test and not doing well
-Never getting enough sleep
-Feeling tested and tried in every aspect of my life
-Discovering who I am when I am thrown into unexpected situations
-Being suprised with an unexpected cry face for no reason
-Having no "escapse" because someone is always where you are
-Spending all day everyday with the same people
-listening to Buble's song called Home
-Watching videos or looking at pictures of best friends and realizing why they are your best friends
-Writing letters to missionary friends who I probably won't be able to just "hang out" with ever again
-Spending all day everyday working towards nothing that is permanent
- Not being with my mom when I get sick
-Finding myself sad for no apparant reason
-Having to cook in order to survive- even when I don't feel like it

That is all of the likes and dislikes I can think of right now. I will probably add some more later on. Man, I miss blogging.


Adam Ruben said...

Sounds like a very educational/growing experience. It'll al be worth it! I hope your weekend was bomb! I know it was.

Ultimate Relief said...

Thats right you miss blogging, just not as much as it misses you :)
totally agree with your whole list. ya for sure. Remember how we found out were the same? love it

Ellen Irion said...

ab, that last comment was me lol long story . . . forgot to sign out lol

Lindsay said...

lol love how i totally knew what ellens first comment was from ;) hate that its private...
But yes your list is insane-creepin my life as well.
And i will remember that I miss blogging part- dont make me use it against you best friend ;)